Blackfish (tautog), wreck fishing chartersStriped bass (stripers) charters, trolling and chunking Karen Ann II - New Jersey Charter Boat35' Custom Downeast Sportfisherman / New Jersey Charterboat Bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, chunking and trolling, inshore and canyonMako shark, offshore fishing
  Wrecks - Bottom - Trolling - Inshore - Offshore 21 May 2024
Building The Karen Ann II

Part 10 - Sea Trials (Photo Gallery)

Enjoy the images below as you journey through the process of having a custom boat built. Click each photo for a larger version. When done viewing, use the "Return" link to go back to the page you were viewing.

Shop doors open
The doors at Sargent's open for the first time in almost 4 months. Note how even the boot stripe and spray rails are on each side.


Southworth Milton
Ray from Southworth-Milton pulls the water pump impeller so we can get her started in the shop.


Painting Bottom
As the hydraulic trailer is backed under her, Montelle paints the spots where the jackstands were.


Toppins boat hauling
Toppins' Diesel & Marine hauled the Karen Ann II from Milbridge to Winter Harbor.


And out of the shop she goes! You can still see the wet spots of paint under her.


Out of the shop
My first full look at my new boat. The driver checks her one last time before we head down the road.


Road to Winter Harbor
How fast will she go? I know she'll do at least, 50 mph, I saw it with my own eyes on the way to Winter Harbor!


Gathering Crowd
Boat launchings are always newsworthy events in Maine, and we got a bit of a crowd for this one as she is backed down the ramp at Winter Harbor Marine.


Goin' Overboard
Almost five months in the making, she's finally gettin' wet. Yep, that's me hangin' over the stern hopin' she'll go as good as she looks!


Removing Strap
I'm removing the last safety straps to the trailer, and we'll be off.


Reverse gear works! We're underway!


My favorite picture of her, sitting on a mooring in Winter Harbor after being successfully sea trialed.


Mooring, Bow
Another picture of her bow, on the mooring.


Joe and Montelle
Joe (at right) and Montelle pose for a shot with her. The jokes about the handicapped sign are too numerous to list here!

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