Blackfish (tautog), wreck fishing chartersStriped bass (stripers) charters, trolling and chunking Karen Ann II - New Jersey Charter Boat35' Custom Downeast Sportfisherman / New Jersey Charterboat Bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, chunking and trolling, inshore and canyonMako shark, offshore fishing
  Wrecks - Bottom - Trolling - Inshore - Offshore 20 May 2024
Tautoga onitis

Common Names: blackfish, slippery, slippery bass
W. Atlantic Range: Nova Scotia to South Carolina
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The Tautog ranges in size from 1 lb. up to a record 25 lbs. They are dark olive to dark grey in color, and the females and young have a patchy coloration. Older males have a white chin resembling a "beard".

Tautog can be found around wrecks and structure to depths of about 100 feet. They stay inside of holes in their structure, using their powerful rear molars to crush the shells of mussels, clams and crabs. It is imperative to keep your line absolutely still to gain the interest of a Blackfish. Use softer baits such as clams in the spring, and green crabs and fiddler crabs in the fall.

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