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  Wrecks - Bottom - Trolling - Inshore - Offshore 17 May 2024
Cynoscion regalis

Common Names: weakie, sea trout, squeteague
W. Atlantic Range: Massachusetts to Florida
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Weakfish have a silvery body with a dense pattern of small dark spots, and greenish back. They are very colorful in the water, giving them their nickname of "sea trout".

The term weakfish refers to the very soft tissue around their mouth. It's very easy to lose them because the hook tears loose. Lifting a nice weakie into the boat is a no-no; nets are mandatory.

Weakfish make excellent table fare. They can be caught in the bays and tributaries from June through September. Bucktails and chumming with live grass shrimp are two of the most effective ways to catch them. Weakfish are easily spooked by any boat traffic, which is one reason why first light and early evening are prime fishing times.

Weakfish can be taken on jigs and long squid strips in the fall on inshore lumps.

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